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Your Acres of Diamonds—Treasures Within

Discover the treasures within you by mastering the natural man, unlocking your divine potential, and aligning your life with God’s will.

Uncovering the Diamonds in Your Backyard

Have you ever felt like there’s more to life than what you’re currently experiencing? Perhaps you sense greatness within you, yet the pull of worldly desires or the grind of daily life keeps you from finding it. The truth is, your divine purpose is closer than you think—like the diamonds hidden in your backyard. Your treasures are not in distant lands but deep within, waiting to be uncovered as you align your life with God’s will.

The Struggle of Diamonds Lost

Many of us search far and wide for purpose and fulfillment, believing they must be found in distant lands or lofty achievements. Russell Conwell’s classic book Acres of Diamonds illustrates this concept beautifully. It tells the story of a man who sells all he has to seek riches in far-off places, only to discover later that the treasure he sought was buried in his own backyard.

This story reflects a deeper truth about the struggle for self-mastery. When we seek satisfaction in worldly appetites, especially in lustful thoughts or behaviors, we wander away from the divine potential already within us. These misplaced pursuits blind us to the sanctifying power of self-mastery—the key to rising above the natural man and aligning with the holiness of God.

Turning Weakness into Strength

The gospel of Jesus Christ is a process of transformation. Through His grace, He makes weak things strong. My own journey illustrates this. Growing up on a horse ranch, I resisted the lessons of hard work, vowing never to thank my stepmother for trying to teach me how to work. Yet, decades later, I find myself filled with gratitude for her efforts.

Recently, I worked a temporary job in a copper wire plant—my first manual labor since those ranch days. This experience grounded me in humility and brought me back to my roots. It also revealed my true acres of diamonds: serving those struggling with addictions, particularly sexual addiction.

As children of God living in a telestial world, our task is to conquer the appetites of the natural man. True self-mastery begins here. It prepares us for the higher laws of the celestial kingdom, where we are called to discover, develop, and share our divine gifts.

Steps to Self-Mastery

1.Turn to Christ for StrengthRecognize that self-mastery is not achieved alone. Call upon His grace to transform your weaknesses into strengths.

2. Seek Guidance from the Holy GhostThe Holy Ghost refines your heart and mind, helping you discern the steps necessary to align your life with God’s will.

3. Take Consistent, Faithful ActionBegin with small, deliberate choices that align with divine principles, building habits of holiness day by day.

The Transformative Power of Self-Mastery

When you embrace self-mastery through Christ, the chains of addiction and weakness fall away. Clarity will replace confusion. Strength will rise where doubt once reigned. Through His grace, you will discover your talents and step into the work you were meant to do.

This transformation will lift you from the telestial to the terrestrial, and beyond, as you prepare to receive all that the Father has. The path to celestial living begins with mastering the flesh and yielding your heart to the tutorship of the Holy Ghost.

I’ll Walk with You

I’m a fellow traveler on the path of discipleship, striving daily to align my life with celestial principles. If you feel the call to magnify your stewardships, focus your heart on Christ, and discover joy through Christlike thinking, I invite you to walk this path with me.

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This is part of The Journey to Emulating Christ series. Stay tuned for the next chapter, where we explore the sanctifying role of the Holy Ghost in guiding your journey to celestial living. Subscribe below for updates and Christ-centered insights delivered to your inbox.


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