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Post 11: Build on the Rock—Joy in Every Circumstance

Introduction: Building a Life That Lasts
Every life is like a house—or a temple. It must withstand storms—trials, hardships, and uncertainties that inevitably come. But not all houses or temples stand firm when the winds blow and the rains fall. What makes the difference?

The Savior Himself taught:

“Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.”
(Matthew 7:24–25)

The same principle applies to the temple of your life—your body, spirit, and union with your eternal companion. The rock beneath this sacred structure must be Christ, the Redeemer. Every choice to align with Him strengthens this temple, enabling you to stand firm and find joy in every circumstance.

Pain Point: Shifting Sands Lead to Failure
Many people build their lives on sand—temporary priorities like wealth, recognition, or fleeting pleasures. These foundations may feel firm for a time, but they cannot endure the storms. When trials come, lives built on sand crumble, leaving emptiness and sorrow.

But there is another way. You can build a house—or temple—that will last.

Principle: Christ as the Bedrock, Stewardships as the Foundation
Elder David A. Bednar taught in April 2024:

“The symbolism of Christ as the ‘rock’ upon whom we should build the foundation of our lives is most instructive. Please note in Helaman 5:12 that the Savior is not the foundation. Rather, we are admonished to build our personal spiritual foundation upon Him.”

The prophet Helaman declared:

“It is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, it shall have no power over you.” (Helaman 5:12)

The Savior is the immovable rock beneath your life. But it is your responsibility to build the foundation. This foundation consists of six stewardships—divine priorities that anchor your life and give it purpose.

President Nelson taught:

“The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.”

When your focus is on Christ and these stewardships, you invite joy into every moment.

Covenants as Anchor Pins
Covenants are like steel pins that secure your foundation to the rock of Christ. Every time you make and keep a covenant, you drive another anchor pin deep into the bedrock.

These pins come through sacred ordinances—baptism, the sacrament, temple covenants—and through daily acts of discipleship: prayer, service, and living the gospel. Without these pins, the foundation can shift. But as you make and keep covenants, your foundation becomes immovable, ensuring your house—or temple—will stand.

Stand in Holy Places: Wherever You Stand

The Lord commands us to stand in holy places. Yet, this doesn’t mean we must always be in a temple or on a mountain top to find holiness. Wherever you stand, by remembering the Lord and keeping His commandments, you create a holy place.

The Lord promised:

“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” (John 14:18)

When you think on Him, you invite the Holy Ghost to be your constant companion. The Spirit not only comforts but also strengthens, guiding you to use your agency wisely, aligning your life with truth, and receiving every good thing.

Mountain Peak Imagery: Personal Victory Through Christ

Imagine standing atop a mountain, having reached the summit after a long, steady climb. The path was steep and fraught with challenges, but you pressed forward with faith. Now, you stand firm, unshaken by the winds, secure in your victory.

This is what it means to build on Christ, the rock. Your foundation is solid, your temple is strong. Through covenants and stewardships, you have made your life a fortress of faith. The climb represents your daily effort to live in alignment with His will. The peak is the joy and strength that come from being one with Him.

Walk the Path with Me

I am a fellow disciple, striving daily to align my life with the Savior. Through repentance, service, and devotion, I seek to emulate Christ and magnify the stewardships He has entrusted to me.

If you feel the call to refocus your life on Christ, anchor yourself in Him, and magnify your stewardships, I would be delighted to walk alongside you. Together, we can explore how to partake of His yoke, experience His grace, and find joy in every circumstance.

I’m not the source of Truth, but I’ve tapped into it. As a true disciple, I invite you to come unto Christ and allow Him to transform your life. If you would like companionship along the journey, or help connecting to the yoke of Christ, feel free to schedule some time with me:

To dive deeper into the six stewardships and how they form the foundation for a joyful life, revisit Post 9: Are You Ready to Give an Account? or Post 10: The Six Questions That Lead to Lasting Joy. These posts provide the groundwork for understanding these divine priorities.

Blessing: Joy in Every Circumstance

When you build your temple on Christ, the storms lose their power to shake you. You will find:

  • Joy in unity with your spouse, even in uncertainty.
  • Joy in raising your children, even amidst challenges.
  • Joy in magnifying your gifts, even when the path seems unclear.
  • Joy in serving others, even in heavy times.
  • Joy in standing firm, knowing your foundation will never crumble.

This is the joy of the Savior. It is steady. It is sure. It grows stronger as you anchor your heart in Him and magnify the stewardships He has given you.


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