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Post 26: Escaping the Lies of the Adversary—The Trap of Finite Rewards
How to discern truth, escape fleeting rewards, and embrace God’s eternal abundance.
The Adversary’s Manipulation
The adversary knows your desires and uses them to manipulate you. He offers transitory rewards—wealth, power, fame—that may seem enticing but are fleeting and hollow. His rewards bind you to a life of scarcity, where fulfillment slips through your fingers like sand. His aim is to control you and make you miserable like unto himself, leaving you spiritually bankrupt. Even when his offers seem good, they are tainted by deception and selfish intent.
Elder Neal A. Maxwell described this tragedy with piercing clarity:
"How tragic it is that so many mortals are mercenaries for the adversary; that is, they do his bidding and are hired by him—bought off at such low prices. A little status, a little money, a little praise, a little fleeting fame, and they are willing to do the bidding of him who can offer all sorts of transitory 'rewards,' but who has no celestial currency. It is amazing how well the adversary has done; his mercenaries never seem to discover the self-destructive nature of their pay and the awful bankruptcy of their poor paymaster!"
The adversary’s offers are not just hollow—they are self-destructive. His currency cannot buy happiness, peace, nor eternal joy.
God’s Gifts Are Eternal
The adversary’s fleeting rewards—wealth, power, or fame—are hollow tools of manipulation. He is bankrupt of celestial currency, unable to offer anything of lasting worth. Imagine if the Savior had succumbed to his lies, gaining the world’s wealth but losing eternal increase, bound forever by the adversary’s whims.
In contrast, God’s plan empowers you to become like Him. He offers infinite rewards—abundance not just for this life but for eternity. As you align with His will, He teaches you line upon line, granting you the ability to steward divine blessings and handle the powers of heaven (D&C 121:36). By mastering small principles, such as your tongue, body, and thoughts, your stewardships grow until you are prepared to receive all that He has (D&C 84:36-38).
What would you rather have—a house full of gold or the power to create worlds without number? With the adversary, you gain only fleeting gold and lose eternal increase. But with God, you are promised abundance here, to bless others (Jacob 2:17-19), and eternal power to build legacies of love and glory. In this, you magnify His infinite purpose and step into a life of true joy now and forevermore.
Reject the Lies, Embrace Truth
Will you choose to seek God’s infinite rewards rather than the adversary’s empty promises? Start by discerning the source of your thoughts and desires. Reject negativity and lies. Seek for good and praise it. In your prayers, ask God to show you the truth about yourself and others. Commit to praising one act of goodness in someone today.
Transformation Through Truth
When you reject the adversary’s trap of finite rewards and seek God’s eternal gifts, your life transforms. The adversary loses power over you, and you step into the light of God’s love. As you align with Him, you receive His blessings of joy, peace, and infinite increase.
I'll Walk With You
How tragic it would be to be "bought off at such low prices" by the adversary’s fleeting rewards, only to miss out on God’s infinite and eternal increase. As you turn to Christ, you reject the self-destructive lies of a bankrupt paymaster and embrace the abundance of a loving Father. This is the path of freedom, joy, and eternal progress.
Your journey to seek the good and embrace the abundant life doesn’t need to be taken alone. As you take the first steps toward aligning your life with Christ’s teachings, I am here to help you connect to His yoke. Together, we’ll invite His power into your life, allowing Him to transform your heart, mind, and path. Click below to book your complimentary exploratory session and begin your sacred journey today.
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