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From Lukewarm to Hot: A Call to Share from the Housetops

There comes a point in every journey of faith when we realize we can no longer stay in the middle. Being lukewarm—content to sit somewhere between commitment and complacency—becomes impossible when we finally hear the call to rise up and be fully alive in our mission. For me, that moment came through personal trial, a missed opportunity, and a deep understanding of what it truly means to be hot in sharing from the housetops.

Not long ago, I made a significant shift in my business model. After years at attempts of coaching, I embraced the role of a content creator, seeking a path that would allow me to support my family while investing deeply in the work I'm enthusiastic about. I took a temporary job pushing copper wire through a production line to stabilize my finances while continuing to build my business, knowing I was in this for the long haul. However, when an incredible opportunity presented itself—one that seemed perfect—I hesitated.

The offer was commission-only, which would have kept me in the temp job until the income was replaced. I worried it would delay my writing and sharing my message, and I dreaded breaking my daily writing habit. So I hesitated, and ultimately, I turned down the offer.

What happened next changed everything. After the founder hinted at a counter offer, I returned a few days later only to receive a blunt truth: I had been "wishy-washy" and missed the opportunity to work with him. He was absolutely right and perfectly justified to spew me out. In that moment, I was confronted with my own lukewarmness. I had been holding back, uncertain about committing fully, and by doing so, I had missed the chance to step into something great.

It was in this moment that I realized: I had been playing small for far too long. I had been lukewarm in my approach to my calling and mission. I had hesitated, not fully trusting that God had something specific in store for me. And now, I praise Him for allowing that amazing opportunity to slip through my fingers—because it woke me up.

Enough is enough. No more being the "good guy," the "nice boy" who stays comfortable and plays it safe. It was time to rise up, be bold, and commit fully to the call God placed on my heart.

This truth came into sharper focus when I went to a speaking engagement near my alma mater, BYU. I took the day off from my evening temp job to share my story with family members of those affected by mental illness—a story of major manic episodes leading to arrests and court orders to psych wards, struggling with bipolar disorder (which ironically was my greatest fear as a young man), and experiencing the deep pain of brokenness. For years, I believed this was my "thorn in the flesh" that would never be removed. But by the grace of God, after 23 years, I experienced a breakthrough. On May 13th, 2023, I received a revelation that God would help me overcome the flesh if I lived what I knew to be true.

The transformation has been remarkable. I've trimmed down in weight, stopped using a CPAP machine after 9 years, reduced my sleep from 10-12 hours to a healthy amount, started exercising regularly, ran a Spartan race with my wife for our 20th anniversary, and stopped using inhalers—all while taking the same bipolar medication I've taken for years. In His tender mercies, He has removed my barriers and begun restoring everything I lost when I was first diagnosed—and more.

The most powerful confirmation came recently when my family and I watched the movie One Life, about a man who saved 669 children from Nazi concentration camps. It reminded me of my own purpose and the gifts I've been given. And with those gifts comes responsibility—I am called to do more. We are all called to do more.

As I reflect on these experiences, it's crystal clear: I am no longer willing to sit on the sidelines. It's time to be hot in sharing the good news. It's time to boldly speak about what God has done in my life. I may not have the cure for cancer or be able to heal the blind, but I know Christ's power to heal and transform. I have walked through fire, lost everything like Job, and been given double and then some. I have seen His mercy and love firsthand, and it is time to shout from the housetops.

My message is clear: it's time to stop being lukewarm. The world needs boldness, compassion, and conviction. If you had the cure to overcome the natural man and its ills, which I do, it would be wrong to keep it hidden! For where much has been given, much is required. I have been blessed with the gift of always having my sins forgiven and always rejoicing—and much more in a world drowning in sin. Having been made whole in Christ, I have taken His yoke upon me and rejoice in His healing and strengthening power that has lifted me beyond what I ever dreamed possible in my youth.

And I want to take you with me on this journey—to live out our calling with zeal, to be light online and in our communities, and to share from the housetops the joy of walking in Christ's yoke, which is easy when you tap into His power.

Brothers and sisters, it is time to rise up. No more playing small, no more holding back. The world is waiting for us to step into the fullness of our purpose. Let's go forward, not in hesitation, but in the fire of commitment.

The purpose of this blog is to help readers take on the yoke of Christ to be made whole in Him. I have found the cure for the sickness of sin—the way to overcome our fallen nature—and I cannot, I will not keep it to myself! Through my own healing, I've learned how to become more like Christ. This isn't about just copying what He did but doing greater works than He. Not through willpower by divine power, by becoming one with Him—as He was with the Father.

For those who are ready to move forward, having already taken His yoke upon them, I invite you to join the Waterwalkers community. Here, we're not just talking about ideas but living real change—growing from personal healing (broken heart and willing spirit) to building strong families (heaven in your home) to sharing your gifts online (from the housetops). This is the path I've walked, and now I'm reaching out my hand to you.

You can find a link to join our free Waterwalkers community.

Are you ready to be on fire and share from the housetops? The world needs the healing you've received—it's time to share it with others.


Publishing Peace | Walking in Power

Be Perfected in Christ's Yoke

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