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Post 17: The Gift of Abundance

The Gift of a Broken Heart—Unlocking the Powers of Heaven and True Abundance

Introduction: Giving the Ultimate Gift

This Christmas, amidst the exchanging of gifts, consider the one gift that surpasses all others—the gift God asks of you: a broken heart and a contrite spirit. When offered in humility and gratitude, this gift opens the door to divine abundance, granting you access to the powers of heaven and enabling you to become an instrument in God’s hands. Through this offering, you not only transform your life but also become a light to others, showing them how to rise with you.

Pain Point: Seeking the Wrong Gifts

The world often encourages us to seek abundance in material things—possessions, accolades, and fleeting pleasures. But this type of abundance leaves the soul empty and unfulfilled. True abundance is not about what you possess but about what you give—your will, your heart, and your stewardship to God. Without this foundation, even life’s greatest achievements feel hollow.

Principle: Magnifying Stewardships Unlocks the Powers of Heaven

When you live correct principles and magnify your stewardships, you align yourself with God’s will. This alignment grants you access to control and handle the powers of heaven, enabling you to accomplish greater works than Christ commanded. This is not about personal greatness but about becoming a conduit for God’s glory to flow through you.

As you tap into the River of Christ, offering your broken heart and contrite spirit, you shift from striving in your own strength to wielding the power of godliness. You become a light on a hill—a beacon of hope and truth—showing others how to do likewise. This rising tide not only lifts your life but also flows outward, lifting others and creating a ripple effect of abundance.

When you magnify your stewardships—be it nurturing your family, honing your talents, or serving in God’s vineyard—you contribute to the body of Christ. As your tide rises, you teach others to rise too, creating a collective flow that leads all to greater abundance and joy. Few may initially find this path, but those who do will naturally inspire others, enabling everyone to discover the way, the truth, and the life.

Invitation: Give the Gift that Transforms

This Christmas, give your greatest gift to God—a broken heart and contrite spirit. Humbly kneel before Him and offer your will, asking, “Lord, what would You have me do with the stewardships You’ve entrusted to me?” Then act on the impressions you receive.

Choose one area of stewardship and dedicate it to Him today. Whether it’s strengthening a relationship, magnifying a talent, or serving another, let this be your gift. As you act in faith, you will feel the powers of heaven flowing into your life, transforming you and all those you touch.

Blessing: The Abundance of Heaven

When you give this gift, God will open the windows of heaven. His power will flow through you, enabling you to accomplish works far beyond your natural capacity. You will become a light, drawing others to Him, and creating a ripple effect of joy and abundance.

As you lift others, your life will overflow with blessings—not only in material ways but in love, relationships, and spiritual power. By giving your heart to God, you unlock a life of increasing abundance, where all things flow unto you, building His kingdom and magnifying His glory.

Walk the Path with Me

This Christmas, as you give your heart to God, consider how you can magnify your stewardships and invite His power into your life. Together, we can explore how to deepen your connection to Him and experience the joy of abundance.

I’m not the source of Truth, but I’ve tapped into it. As a true disciple, I invite you to come unto Christ and allow Him to transform your life. If you would like companionship along the journey, or help connecting to the yoke of Christ, feel free to schedule some time with me:


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