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Master Your Tongue—The Journey to Emulating Christ
Mastering your words is the first step in the journey of discipleship, aligning your heart, mind, and body with Christ’s divine example.
The Power of Words: Aligning Speech With God’s Will
Have you ever found yourself speaking in frustration, regret, or even unkindness, only to wish you could take it all back? Do your words sometimes reflect the natural man more than the disciple of Christ?
This is the challenge of the tongue—a small but powerful force that can shape your soul and the lives of those around you. Learning to master your tongue is not easy, but it is the first step in the journey to emulating Christ.
Words Shape Eternity
Words are the seeds of power, the means by which faith’s mightiest works are accomplished. They are the bridge between thought and action, spirit and creation. To master the tongue is to begin the journey of true discipleship, for the tongue reflects the state of the heart and directs the course of the soul.
For some, the path begins with restraining foul or careless speech. For others, it is learning to speak with intention, shaping words into instruments of truth and light. Wherever you begin, the journey requires diligence, for words are not mere sounds—they are echoes of eternity, recorded in the fabric of your being.
Steps to Mastering Your Tongue
1. Bridle the Tongue
The first lesson in mastering the tongue is restraint. To bridle the tongue is to take control of the natural man, whose impulses would speak in haste, or in the pleasure and the pain of the flesh. It is not enough to replace foul words with harmless substitutes; the tongue must be stilled, and the heart turned to Christ.
In moments of frustration or anger, pause. Hold your tongue, and let your thoughts rise to holier things. Turn inward, and call upon His name. In the stillness, you will find the power to subdue unworthy impulses and speak with greater purpose.
This is no small task. The natural man resists discipline, clinging to habits excused by culture or upbringing. Yet true discipleship makes no room for excuses. Whether learned in a farmhouse or a boardroom, unholy speech must be set aside. As you bridle your tongue, you gain mastery over your body and enlarge your temple to receive more and more of the Spirit of the Lord—unto being filled and always rejoicing (Mosiah 4:12).
2. Speak with the Tongue of Angels
When the tongue is bridled, it becomes an instrument of righteousness. With each word, the soul creates, edifies, and uplifts. This is the tongue of angels, and its power flows from a heart filled with light.
As your heart and mind align with God’s will, your words naturally follow. When your eye is single to His glory, you are filled with light, and the darkness flees. The Spirit enters both heart and mind, guiding the tongue to speak truth with precision and love.
In this state, words become more than tools—they are faith in action, even the same power by which God creates and the elements obey. In fact, faith’s mightiest works are worked by words. Therefore, oh child of God, be wise with the use of your tongue—herein lies the power to inspire, to comfort, to create (as in organize), and to heal.
The Eternal Significance of the Tongue and Body
Mastering the tongue is not merely a temporal effort; it is preparation for eternity. The body, a sacred temple, records every impulse, word, and thought. In the resurrection, it is restored in purity or defilement according to how it was treated in life.
To bridle the tongue is to bridle the whole body, preparing it as a receptacle of increasing light and intelligence. As you align your speech and actions with divine principles, your body becomes a witness of Christ’s redeeming power. This is not a distant hope but a present reality—today is the day to learn mastery, that you may rise in the resurrection with a perfected temple, ready to receive eternal glory.
I’ll Walk with You
I’m a fellow traveler on the path of discipleship, striving daily to align my life with celestial principles. If you feel the call to magnify your stewardships, focus your heart on Christ, and discover joy through Christlike thinking, I invite you to walk this path with me.
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This is the first chapter in The Journey to Emulating Christ. Stay tuned for the next chapter, where we explore the transformative power of mastering your body. Subscribe below for updates, exclusive gifts, and Christ-centered insights delivered to your inbox.
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