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Inspired to Emulate Christ by Publishing Peace Daily—A Heartfelt Gift to Transform and Connect
Like the little drummer boy, who gave the gift of his song, this daily offering is my heartfelt gift to Christ—an act of love and service to bless others and draw closer to Him.
A Year-Long Gift for a Lifelong Path
Emulating Christ is a lifelong commitment—a journey of becoming like Him in thought, word, and action. This year, I’ve been inspired to begin emulating Christ by establishing the celestial habit of publishing peace daily.
Christ, the Prince of Peace, exemplified the power of consistent action. He taught, healed, and served every day, offering light and truth to all who would receive it. In this spirit, I offer a year-long gift of daily reflections—an act of love and service that I hope will inspire others to establish their own habits that align with Him.
A Journey of Emulating Christ
What does it mean to emulate Christ? It means taking on His character—the sum of His thoughts, perfections, and attributes. It means aligning our will with God’s, so we may do greater works as Jesus taught His believers to do.
To guide this journey, I’ve followed a simple yet powerful pattern in each post:
1. Highlighting the challenges we face in becoming more like Christ.
2. Anchoring these challenges in eternal truths.
3. Inviting practical actions to emulate Christ.
4. Promising the blessings and transformation that come through alignment with Him.
5. Offering ways to connect and grow together in discipleship.
While these steps form the foundation of each post, the headings themselves are simplified to reflect the content more organically.
The Power of a Daily Gift
Transformation is built on consistency. Celestial habits, like publishing daily, create a rhythm of growth that aligns us with God’s mind. For me, this act of writing is my way of focusing my mind, disciplining my efforts, and sharing the light of Christ with others.
This year-long gift is my figurative widow’s mite. While I have no gold or silver to offer, I give what I have: the gift of His word written on my heart and the power of AI’s assistance to share it. Like the little drummer boy, who had no material riches but offered his simple, heartfelt song, I bring what I can to honor Christ. My gift to Him is to lose myself in the service of others, publishing peace daily as a way of reciprocating the love He has shown me.
This offering is not just for me—it is for Him and for you. As we journey together, may we find strength in daily actions that bring us closer to His heart.
The Aim—Emulating Christ to Become Like Abba
This year is about more than words on a page. It is about the river and the ocean—the journey and the destination.
As we emulate Christ, we align with His thoughts, grow into His perfections, and develop His attributes. By magnifying our talents and sharing them with the world, we take part in His holy work and do the greater works He invited true believers to do.
Join Me in This Gift
This year-long journey is an invitation to transform your life by emulating Christ. Each post will build on the last, creating a progression of thought and action that leads to deeper faith, greater works, and lasting peace.
Pray to Heavenly Father and ask, “Father, what would You have me do? How may I further reciprocate Your love by emulating Christ today?” Then take a single, faithful step forward to becoming more.
I invite you to do greater works: discover, develop, and disseminate your gifts and talents to lift and inspire others. Whether you do that through art, writing, videos, making something, serving another, or by sharing your talent—this is your gift to Him. He is not looking for things to give Him, but for your heart and mind to be one with His. With this singleness of soul, you naturally give your best gifts to help others experience the joy you’ve found.
Reflect on how small, daily actions like publishing peace can transform your focus and deepen your discipleship. As you emulate Christ’s consistency and love, you unlock divine power to bless others and draw closer to Him.
In the next post, we’ll explore the courage to act without fear, breaking free from inaction, and stepping boldly into your divine purpose through faith. Subscribe below for Christ-centered insights and tools to guide your journey.
Publishing Peace | Walking in Power
Be Perfected in Christ's Yoke
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With gratitude, Kent’s faith-based insights are refined with AI assistance for clarity and design.
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