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Refining Post 13: Think Celestial—Choosing Joy Now and Forever

Introduction: Rising Above the Temporary
“Think celestial.” These two words hold an invitation to see life through an eternal lens. They are a call to lift your focus from the fleeting to the eternal, to rise above distractions, and to align your thoughts, actions, and desires with God’s purposes.

When you live with celestial focus, your choices transcend mere survival or personal ambition. They transform into deliberate steps on the path to joy now and forever.

Pain Point: Seeking the Byproduct Instead of the Source
Many seek after the comforts of the world, believing they hold the secret to happiness. But these comforts—wealth, success, recognition—are only the byproducts of a life aligned with God’s will. When pursued as ends in themselves, they leave the soul wanting, even lost.

The tragedy is not in failing to obtain these things but in losing sight of what truly matters. A soul consumed by worldly pursuits misses the greater joy found in magnifying the stewardships God has entrusted to us. True joy is not found in the things but in the becoming.

Principle: Celestial Thinking Through Stewardships
Thinking celestial begins with magnifying the six stewardships. These divine priorities provide the framework for a life of purpose and joy:

  • Becoming One with Your Spouse: Unity in marriage reflects unity with God. When you serve, love, and uplift your eternal companion, you invite joy into your home and soul.
  • Raising Your Family in Truth: Guiding children to discover their divine potential is one of life’s greatest privileges and joys.
  • Magnifying Your Gifts: Discovering, developing, and sharing your talents allows you to reflect God’s light and bless others.
  • Joining the Lord’s Work: Engaging in service, whether small or great, aligns your heart with His and fills your life with meaning.
  • Laboring with Integrity: Honest effort, given freely and wholeheartedly, refines the soul and builds a foundation of trust and strength.
  • Spreading God’s Love: Charity transforms lives—yours and others’. It is the essence of celestial living.

As you magnify these stewardships, you join the flow of divine purpose, and your life becomes a reflection of heavenly priorities.

A New Lens for Life
When you think celestial, you see life differently. The trials that once seemed insurmountable become stepping stones. The challenges you face are not barriers but opportunities to refine your character.

You no longer seek the fleeting comforts of the world because your joy is rooted in eternal truths. The things you once thought you needed come to you naturally, not because you chased them but because you focused on what matters most.

Invitation: Step Into the Celestial Flow
Take a moment to ask yourself:

  • Are your daily choices preparing you for the life you desire in eternity?
  • Are you magnifying the stewardships that God has entrusted to you?

Thinking celestial is not a one-time act; it is a way of life. Each day brings a new opportunity to align your will with God’s, to magnify your stewardships, and to focus on eternal priorities.

The joy you seek is already within your reach. Shift your focus, and you will find it.

Blessing: Joy Now and Forever
As you think celestial, your life will change. You will find joy in your relationships, strength in your trials, and purpose in every moment. The blessings you once pursued will flow into your life naturally, as you align yourself with God’s purposes.

This is the promise of celestial living: joy now, peace forever, and a life filled with every good thing.

Walk the Path with Me
I am a fellow traveler on the path of discipleship, striving daily to align my life with celestial principles. If you feel the call to shift your focus, magnify your stewardships, and discover joy through celestial thinking, I invite you to join me on this journey.

I’m not the source of Truth, but I’ve tapped into it. As a true disciple, I invite you to come unto Christ and allow Him to transform your life. If you would like companionship along the journey, or help connecting to the yoke of Christ, feel free to schedule some time with me:


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