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Post 62: Walking on Water: Embracing Divine Integration and Purpose

Years ago, I heard two powerful statements that have been echoing in my mind lately: "You can build another company's dream or your own," and "J.O.B. stands for Just Over Broke." These catchphrases propelled me into the world of entrepreneurship. I was captivated by the promise of independence and impact, believing I could create something meaningful while supporting my family.

But over the years, as I pursued various business opportunities, I discovered something important – the entrepreneurial path wasn't bringing the fulfillment or stability I had hoped for. Despite occasional successes, something felt misaligned with the deeper spiritual principles I valued.

A Scripture That Changed Everything

Recently, while studying Christ's teachings, a verse leapt from the page and struck me with its profound wisdom:

"If ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?" (Luke 16:12)

This scripture brought to mind a wise friend who excelled in summer sales and then, after college graduation, took a corporate job for five years – not because he had given up on entrepreneurship, but because he wanted to learn how successful businesses trained their people and operated. After absorbing those lessons, he created his own thriving business.

This is the essence of wisdom: proving yourself by helping others achieve their dreams, and in that process, finding and preparing for your own.

The Path Not Taken

Months ago, someone asked me a thought-provoking question: "If you hadn't given your life to the Lord at 18, where would you be now?"

The question perplexed me. While I've received countless divine gifts because of that pivotal choice, it reminded me of the trajectory I was on before – the enthusiasm I had for life and the possibilities that seemed within reach. Back then, I had been sold on the dream of becoming a multi-millionaire through ownership in a fast-food franchise system.

I was an excellent employee who genuinely enjoyed the work, though others scoffed, "What are you going to do, work at this franchise for the rest of your life?"

I now reflect on the man who sold me that dream – the store manager in his 20s or 30s who had started there at 16. Today, he's certainly a multi-millionaire, owning several stores and presiding over the Porsche club in his city. He had vision, determination, and follow-through – qualities I admired then and still do now.

Getting Out of Dream World

I am profoundly grateful for the spiritual knowledge and eternal gifts I've gained over the past three decades. But Christ's words have struck home: it's time to be faithful in another man's work, just as I was in the franchise system as a young man. It's time to engage with the world without being consumed by it, to move beyond dream worlds and do greater works.

For if I cannot help others achieve their dreams, why would I be entrusted with more? Like in the parable of the talents, if I hide what I've been given, why would I receive additional blessings?

A New Level of Consecration

As I've taken my consecration to yet another level – giving not just my heart and mind to the Lord, but my physical body as well – He has empowered me with remarkable transformation. In May 2023, weighing 254 pounds, I turned my physique over to the Lord. The results were dramatic: within just five weeks, I had dropped to 228 pounds and gained the energy to work out and the health to actually run.

I stopped using my CPAP machine after 9 years, no longer needed inhalers, and instead of pulling calves and throwing out knees from simple walks, I was actually running! By November 2023, I had reached 218 pounds and was fit enough to run a Spartan race with my wife for our 20th anniversary.

This physical transformation has been about far more than weight loss – it's been about removing barriers and limitations that had defined me for decades. Now that my life is in order, it's time to step up to the 3 Ps: protect, preside, and provide – particularly the latter. I no longer have the excuse of sleeping 10 to 12 hours a day or being labeled disabled. I am now fully functioning, and it is time to rise up and be a man of God who provides for his family's needs and wants.

This is why the direction to move into Medical Device Sales feels so aligned with this new chapter – it's the natural progression of my healing journey and my commitment to fulfill my responsibilities with excellence.

Returning to Roots

My family has suffered long enough while I've attempted to build businesses based on the wisdom of the ages, yet without being willing to truly get my hands dirty helping others. For the past several months, I've been working a temp job in a copper wire plant, and it has been an unexpected blessing. It has reconnected me with my roots – I hadn't done manual labor since working on a horse ranch as a boy.

Now, invigorated in my 51st year and on fire for life like I was before mental illness struck, but more refined with 30 years of personal development and spiritual study, I see all things working together for my good as I lose myself in service to others. This has given me the humility to return to the workforce, using my gifts in sales and relationship building.

Embracing the Divine Direction

In my previous post, I shared my excitement about pursuing a career in Medical Device Sales. It felt like divine confirmation of what others had been telling me for years. As I wrote then, "When you ask, seeking His guidance with a sincere heart, He answers—but His answers align perfectly with what you truly need, both for your mortal journey and your eternal progression."

The wisdom of God continues to unfold in remarkable ways. After much prayer and temple discussion with my wife, I've received clear direction: it's time to step fully into Medical Device Sales while simultaneously closing my businesses and transforming Publish Peace Now from a business venture into my personal brand.

This is what I've come to call the "John Grisham Approach" – committing to daily writing and sharing my journey while working faithfully in a career that provides for my family's needs. It's not about abandoning my mission to share from the housetops; it's about structuring that mission sustainably.

The Greater Surrender

True surrender isn't a one-time decision – it's an ongoing willingness to pivot when God reveals a better way. I now understand that spiritual maturity sometimes means faithfully helping build someone else's vision while continuing to develop the gifts God has given me.

I'll continue writing and sharing my journey of surrender to the miracles of God – my ongoing quest to walk on water by stepping out of the boat of comfort and security, trusting in divine guidance even when the path takes unexpected turns.

In embracing both Medical Device Sales and my writing ministry, I'm learning that sometimes walking on water means having one foot in the world of commerce and one foot in the realm of spiritual service. It's not either/or but both/and – a harmonious integration that honors both my family's needs and my divine calling.

Thank you for walking this path with me. May you find the courage to embrace God's divine redirections in your own life, even when they don't match your initial expectations.


Publishing Peace | Walking in Power

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