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Post 20: Words and Deeds—The Power of Doing
Sanctified Words Must Lead to Sanctified Actions
Words are powerful. They shape what you feel, what you do, and who you become. But words alone are not enough. For words to hold power, they must lead to action.
Have you ever known what to do but struggled to do it? Knowing without doing leaves you empty. Power comes only when your words and actions unite. Today, we explore how words and deeds together unlock the power of godliness.
Pain Point: The Gap Between Knowing and Doing
To know something is to live it. If you fail to act on truth, you lose its power. You may know of something, but you no longer know it.
Even demons knew of Christ, but they did not know Him. To know Him is to be like Him. It is to emulate Him in word and deed.
When words lack action, they weigh heavy on the soul. They create guilt, dread, or fear. But when you act, even in small ways, power flows. You feel peace and purpose. You grow stronger than you thought you could be.
Principle: Words Lead to Feelings, Actions, and Power
Words guide your actions. They also shape your feelings. When you speak with dread, dreadful feelings follow. But when you speak with faith, courage grows, and power comes.
As Emerson taught: Do the thing, and the power to do the thing will come; do it not, and you’ll have no such power (paraphrased).
When pure ideas come, follow them. They are not random. They are the Spirit guiding you to truth. Resist the natural man who says to wait or stop. Act, and light will grow in your life.
Faithful action brings righteous feelings, and those feelings open the door to powers from on high. Living truth transforms words into works, and works into power.
You were created to be like Christ, even one with God. You were meant to be “doctrinally rich” by feasting on His word and “developmentally rich” by living His doctrine. Elder Maxwell warns that knowledge without action leaves us far from the mark.
Invitation: Bridge the Gap Between Knowing and Doing
Are you ready to unite your words with action? Begin today with these steps:
1. Speak Words of Faith: Avoid words of dread. Choose hopeful, faith-filled speech.
2. Act on Pure Ideas: When a thought invites you to do good, follow it. Start small, but start.
3. Repeat Daily: Keep speaking and doing. The gap between knowing and doing will shrink. Power will grow in your life.
Blessing: The Strength to Become
When words and deeds align, you gain peace and power. You don’t just know truth—you live it.
God will magnify your efforts. His grace will give you strength beyond your own. You will inspire others. You will become like Christ.
You were born in His image. You have the power to act, grow, and become like Him. Today is the day. Now is the time to rise.
Walk the Path with Me
Are you ready to close the gap between knowing and doing? Walk with me. Let’s align your words, actions, and purpose with God. Together, we will uncover the power that comes from faithful doing.
I’m not the source of Truth, but I’ve tapped into it. As a disciple, I invite you to come unto Christ. Let Him transform your life. If you want a companion on this journey, feel free to schedule time with me:
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Tomorrow, we’ll explore the sacred power of remembering the Savior always through the covenant of the sacrament. Discover how this act unlocks the Spirit’s guidance and empowers you to align with God’s will.
Publishing Peace | Walking in Power
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